The Dundee Hills Winery Sanctum
Our goal is to have you enjoy a novel, memorable, and intimate wine escape.
Native Flora is a small, secluded vineyard and winery hidden high in the famed Dundee Hills. Founded in 2005, we strive to produce premium estate wines in limited quantities for people who enjoy great wine, a good laugh, natural beauty and a more personal wine experience.
Despite the inherent exclusivity of our diminutive size, we remain down to earth, hospitable, and enthusiastic about sharing our chosen path in life. It is highly likely that one or both of the proprietors will be on hand to host your visit. Our aim is to enlist you not just as a customer, but as a new friend and fellow enthusiast of good wines and places. Again, welcome!
Sanc·tum noun \(săn(k)′təm)\ def: a private place where one is free from intrusion.